WACCI 136 Index - Home Page www.wacci.org.uk

01 - Thanx & Stuff 02 - WACCI On-line 03 - French Connection 04 - Scart Connections
05 - Contributing 06 - Pirates Ahoy! 07 - Ask The Internet 08 - 101 Uses For A Dead CPC
09 - Breaking Your CPC 10 - Programmers' Patch 11 - A-Z Of Computing 12 - A Word From Dave
13 - Famous Last Words

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Thanx & Stuff

How are you gentlemen? All your WACCI are belong to us

As the latest coup/reorganisation/ what-have-you evolves, It Has Been Decided (with a little persuasion) that the best way to run a CPC club in 2001 is to have an editor who edits, and an administrative committee which does the administration. I know, it�s not exactly rocket science. But after 15 years or so, that�s the great conclusion.
  Therefore this is the first in a new style of magazine. WACCI will be published every two months, on the dot, from now on. If there aren�t many articles, you get a four-page magazine: if there are lots, you get 32 pages. I am � we are � confident that we can make WACCI the one essential read for CPC users all over the world.
  So send us your articles. We would love some new blood � I�d like it because it makes the magazine more interesting, and Philip would like it because he�s a vampire. And a malnourished one at that.
  By the way, the picture in the middle isn�t a permanent feature (not that one, anyway). It�s the nearest you get to a cover. I don�t really see the point of wasting a full page on a piece of PC clip art and a terrible pun, especially when you can waste it on a terrible picture instead.
  But wait! There�s more!


WACCI is now available on the web. The smashing new website, at the above address, contains the full contents of every issue; live discussion boards for WACCI readers; CPC software to download, links to other Internet sites, and so on.
  The website and the magazine will be closely interlinked, so if you put an advert in Market Stall, it can appear on the Internet, and vice versa.
  By publishing on the Internet, we can open WACCI�s doors to European CPC users, one-time CPCites who still retain an affection for the machine, emulator users, and many more people who would never subscribe to the paper version but who have a lot to contribute.
  The new site is the work of Angela Cook, David Cantrell, Nicholas Campbell, Brian Watson, and many more besides. There�s lots more about it inside.

Bill Gates-free zone

WACCI is The Amstrad CPC Magazine. There won�t be any PC content, except that which is related to CPCs (emulators, Internet resources, and so on).
  If you�d like to write something about PCs for the WACCI membership, you can. Just print it out yourself and ask the committee to distribute it in the same envelope. Contact Brian for details.
  And the �thanx� for this issue go to Brian, Matthew, Roy, Jonty, and everyone else who's contributed in some way.

No Comment

Sorry, I�ve used that joke before. Fair Comment is taking a rest this issue, because there aren�t any letters. As of next issue, Monsieur Philip DiRichleau will be returning to answer your letters in his inimitable fashion. So please make his day by sending us something. You can post us a disc or a print-out, send us an e-mail � whatever.

Fog in Channel. Europe cut off

�has sometimes seemed to be WACCI�s attitude to Europe. I�m not pretending that British readers have the same interests as European CPC users. We don�t. But aren�t you a little curious to know what other people do with their CPCs? I hope so. To that end, have a look at the interview on page 6.

The boring bits

are on the back cover.

Enough navel-gazing already. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, which is especially good where chocolate fudge cake is concerned. So enjoy the issue.
Richard Fairhurst
(aka CRTC for those of you reading in European)

Editorial address: 5 Nine Acres Close, Charlbury, Oxfordshire OX7 3RD � [email protected]

Admin enquiries: �Number Six�, Windmill Walk, Sutton, Ely, Cambs CB6 2HN � 01353 777006

01 - Thanx & Stuff 02 - WACCI On-line 03 - French Connection 04 - Scart Connections
05 - Contributing 06 - Pirates Ahoy! 07 - Ask The Internet 08 - 101 Uses For A Dead CPC
09 - Breaking Your CPC 10 - Programmers' Patch 11 - A-Z Of Computing 12 - A Word From Dave
13 - Famous Last Words

WACCI 136 Index - Home Page www.wacci.org.uk